Sunday, December 9, 2012

Restriction for Hotels and Motels on Servicing Juveniles - Pattaya People



On Wednesday, the Nongkaam Police sent out a team of officers led by Suppressing Inspector Pol. Lt. Col. Gritmongkut Buranapakdee to warn all hotels and motels operators about the Hotel Act B. E. 2547 forbidding all hotels and motels to accomodate juveniles under the age of 18. Underage youngsters are not permitted to rent hotel rooms for improper activities. Violators of this law will be slapped with a fine of up to 40,000 Baht and / or cancelation of the operator’s license.

All other services, such as entertainment venues, were also warned to follow Sections 317, 318 and 319 of the Child Protection Code, to prevent juveniles from indulging in unlawful and immoral activities. The Nongkam Police inspected vehicles, drivers and passengers during the Loy Krathong Festival in Nongkam, to maintain safety and peace of all, and will evaluate their efforts when the festival is over.

News stories placed on this website are short versions. If you would like the full story, please read the Pattaya People Weekly newspaper.


Pattaya People Weekly, Pattaya People Television, Pattaya People Radio and other medias are published by Dragon Enterprises Co. Ltd.
20/15-16 M.10, Soi Day-Night Hotel, South Pattaya Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20150, Thailand. Tel. 0-3842-7585, 0-3842-0707, Fax: 0-3842-9773 

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like a useful info to me because generally we do not keep it all as a bother but once things starts in this way i am sure 2 day tours from new york helps things in a bigger way which is the way how it all has to be.
